The Milky Way 

Darklight: DarkWav+Pi Filter to detect Light Energy Color Frequencies as shown in the above image of the Milky Way. It shows wave frequencies being emitted from a point to the right of Center and the again in the upper right quadrant. Most likely the result of a Supernova occurring in the past in our Milky Way from the tightest point in the circles. It also indicates a Dark Comet (dark circle pattern with tail) is generating our "spin" most likely the cause of the Supernova.

Our Milky Way Galaxy is a ginormous spiral and the same shape as a spinning PL Class Spinner Comet. Just our planet Earth alone is a huge 3,963 miles radius, but the whole galaxy that we live in is even bigger by a factor of over +10,000X. The Milky Way is 52,850 light years or 3.1069 × 10^17 miles across. That is a lot of space! So with that size comes various levels of color energy frequencies. If it's a color, it's a frequency of quantum light, powered by quantum electricity. But change the frequency and something else pops up in view. At the right color frequency, I have found "memories" such as energy memories. or energy stains of what happened such as an explosion. Due to the sheer vacuum of outer space which in itself isn't completely a vacuum, but is still a really good preserver of energy particles due to its freezing temperatures.