Solving the problem with Cosmology

Solving the problem with Cosmology

To the left of this text is an tiny section of the Pandora's Cluster image located here. Notice the rays, pierce and pass-through the galaxies. Notice how they interact with those collisions. The ability of the James Webb Space Telescope is currently unmeasurable in its ability to see things. #DARKLight  allows the scientist to be the scientist and control what they want to see visually. It's this ability to override the visible focal plane and see through an image that separates it from lesser technology of the bygone eras. 

Below are three examples of objects that exist in this single image. Seeing in the negative spectrum around -4000% of black and white, open's the ability to see in a spectrum that can provide a wealth of information currently unavailable. While they make look distorted to the average viewer, they are not. They are the spectrums visible for looking at matter, and energy beyond the visible "hue."